The McGowan Companies is one of the oldest, largest, and most respected organizations of its type in the United States. In fact, our oldest subsidiary was founded in 1836. As one of the leading insurance brokers and intermediaries in the United States, McGowan is dedicated to providing its 60,000+ appointed brokers and more than 1,000,000 insureds with superb service and competitively-priced, flexible, and creative products that dynamically respond to and capitalize on changes in the insurance marketplace. McGowan is a multi-generational, family-owned and operated conglomerate of 50+ business units (e.g. – insurance brokerages, wholesaler insurance brokerages, programs/program administrators, captive managers, program brokerages, and reinsurance intermediaries).
McGowan Alternative Risk (“MAR”) is a provider of Alternative Risk solutions. MAR specializes in providing Alternative Risk solutions for large, complex, and sophisticated Risk Management-level clients.
McGowan Captive Managers (“MCM”) is a provider of captive management services. MCM provides specialized advisory and management services to insurance brokerages and business owners desirous of establishing and operating captive insurance companies (brokerage-owned captives, single-parent captives, etc.).
McGowan Financial Lines (MFL) is a wholesale, insurance brokerage. MFL specializes in writing Professional Liability, Management Liability, and Crime/Employee Dishonesty for Commercial insureds. MFL has various divisions that specialize in writing accounts of various sizes and complexity, from Small Business accounts up to Multi-National accounts.
McGowan Excess Casualty (“MEC”) is a program administrator and specialized, wholesale insurance brokerage. MEC specializes in writing Primary Casualty and Umbrellas/Excess Casualty for Commercial insureds. MEC has various divisions that specialize in writing accounts of various sizes and complexity, from Small Business accounts up to Multi-National accounts.
McGowan Governmental Underwriters (“MGU”) Is a program administrator and specialized, insurance brokerage. MGU specializes in writing various Lines of Business for Public Entities (e.g. – Cities, Towns, Villages, Counties, Water Districts, Tax Districts, and other Special Purpose Districts).
McGowan Program Administrators (“MPA”) is a program administrator, managing general underwriter, managing general agent, and a specialized, wholesale, insurance brokerage. MPA administers insurance programs for numerous Classes of Business and Lines of Business.
McGowan Pro (“MPRO”) is an online, “direct to consumer,” specialized, insurance brokerage. MPRO specializes in writing Professional Liability, Management Liability, Cyber Liability, and Bonds for Commercial insureds.
McGowan Program Brokers (“MPB”) is a brokerage for insurance programs. MPB designs, builds, and operates insurance programs for third parties.
McGowan Wholesale (“MW”) a wholesale, insurance brokerage. MW specializes in writing Property (including CAT Property), General Liability, Packages, Small Business, Professional Liability, Management Liability, and Crime/Employee Dishonesty for Commercial Insureds.
MiddleOak Specialty (“MOS”) is a program administrator. MOS specializes in writing various Lines of Business for Apartments and Community Associations.
SPEAR Specialty (“SPEAR”) is a program administrator. SPEAR specializes in writing Umbrellas/Excess Casualty for large, sophisticated, and complex Commercial insureds. A primary focus of SPEAR is Construction risks.
McGowan Insurance (“MI”) is an insurance consultant, risk management advisor, and insurance brokerage. MI specializes in writing Personal Insurance and Commercial Insurance. MI has various divisions that specialize in writing accounts of various sizes and complexity, from Small Business accounts up to Multi-National accounts. MI writes numerous Lines of Business and Classes of Business.
McGowan Professional Athletes & Entertainers (“MPAE”) is an insurance consultant, risk management advisor, and insurance brokerage. MPAE specializes in writing Personal Insurance and Commercial Insurance for Professional Athletes and Entertainers. MI writes numerous Lines of Business and Classes of Business.
McGowan Allied Specialty Insurance (“MASI”) is an insurance consultant, risk management advisor, insurance brokerage, and program administrator. MASI specializes in writing various Lines of Business for risks in the Amusement, Sports & Entertainment industries.
Protexure is a program administrator and specialized, insurance brokerage. Protexure specializes in writing Professional Liability for Lawyers/Law Firms and Accountants/Accounting Firms.
Parks Plus (“PP”) is a program administrator. PP specializes in writing Property and Inland Marine for large, sophisticated, and complex risks in the Amusement & Entertainment industry.
MDO is a wholesale, insurance brokerage. MDO specializes in writing Professional Liability, Management Liability, and Crime/Employee Dishonesty for Commercial insureds. MDO has various divisions that specialize in writing accounts of various sizes and complexity, from Small Business accounts up to Multi-National accounts.
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Cannabis Insurance Considerations for 2025: Navigating Changing Compliance Laws and Possibilities
This eBook will explore the factors shaping the cannabis market and offer suggestions on adequately protecting your cannabis business with the appropriate risk strategies.
When an active shooter incident occurs, the immediate response is critical, but the aftermath presents complex challenges. Organizations must have a well-structured active shooter recovery plan to address the event’s psychological, legal, and operational impact. A thoughtful recovery approach can help restore stability, support…[READ MORE]